Bewertungen von Fernstudenten

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  • Online Campus
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  • Digitales Lernen
  • Flexibilität
  • Gesamtbewertung

In dieses Ranking fließen 5 Bewertungen aus den letzten 3 Jahren ein. Dieser Fernstudiengang hat insgesamt 32 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein.

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My first experience with Distance Learning is good

Mohammed, 29.12.2019
Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (M.Eng.)
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This is the first time I enrolled to any distance learning programme and had lot of questions in my mind. So far things are Good and i hope the same continues. The support is quick and effective. The tutors are also experienced on subject matter. Study material is good but still there is room for improvement. I would suggest to use simple language so that its easily understandable for all. Overall quality of Study material is good. The course is flexible and suitable for all those looking to improve their skills while working. The contents deals with current project challenges and gives you the clear insight on how to handle the challenges in right manner. I usually compare my current situation and past as well to know the gaps and try to learn on the go. Since the authors are experts and had years of professional experience, they very cleary point out the common problems and how to solve them.
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Alter 31-35
Weiterempfehlung Ja
Abschluss Ich studiere noch
Geschrieben am 29.12.2019

A really rewarding experience

Suparna Satheesh, 16.12.2019
Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (M.Eng.)
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The course content was completely aligned with the work I do in my current organization and my industry. This is one of the very few courses I had come across which covers Software Engineering to such a breadth and depth.
A really good masters' degree for working professionals!
The on-campus phase was very well planned and thought out, the curriculum laid the foundation for software engineering. One goes through the complete phase of software product development, starting from requirements gathering to testing phase.
Good exposure to the scientists and professors of the Fraunhofer IESE.

Overall, my experience was wonderful!
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Suparna Satheesh
Alter 26-30
Weiterempfehlung Ja
Abschluss Ich studiere noch
Geschrieben am 16.12.2019

Knowledgeable program combined with career

Nazanin, 15.08.2019
Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (M.Eng.)
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The program as whole was very informative, well organized and I personally have learnt a lot.
I think it was a bit expensive especial for those who lives abroad and travel from other countries to Germany.
Online sessions could have been a bit better organized that most of students can benefit from it.
According to my experiences. the online sessions have been mostly questions and answers sessions, which were beneficial just for those who have asked questions, If tutors can give some presentation about the general idea of the course it would be very useful for everybody.
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Alter 36-40
Weiterempfehlung Ja
Abschluss Ja
Geschrieben am 15.08.2019

Struktur und Inhalte des Studiums sehr gut

Philipp, 24.07.2019
Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (M.Eng.)
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Die Vorlesungen waren sehr gut und bauten auch logisch aufeinander auf. Für jede Vorlesung gab es Vorlesungsskripte in sehr guter Qualität mit vielen Aufgaben, die das Verständnis überprüften. Die Lösungen waren in den Skripten enthalten. Es gab hierzu auch eine gute bedarfsorientierte Betreuung, bei der Fragen ausführlich diskutiert werden konnten.
Kurze Vorlesungsvideos für bestimmte Themen hätten sicherlich den Einstieg in bestimmte Bereiche erleichtert und das Erarbeiten der Inhalte ein wenig aufgelockert, waren aber am Ende nicht zwingend notwendig, da die Betreuer Probleme jederzeit auf Nachfragen sehr gut in der Tiefe erklärt haben.
Zweimal je eine Praxiswoche in Kaiserslautern rundeten den Studiengang sehr gut ab.
Bewertung lesen
Alter 31-35
Weiterempfehlung Ja
Abschluss Ich studiere noch
Geschrieben am 24.07.2019
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 01.2024